Dialogues of G. de Purucker, The (Vol. 1, 2 & 3)

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Shortly after assuming the Leadership of the Theosophical Society on July 11, 1929, Dr. G. de Purucker formed the Katherine Tingley Memorial Group in commemoration of the life-work of his predecessor, Katherine Tingley.

For thirteen years this Group, composed of members of the Esoteric School, held regular meetings at the International Headquarters — formerly located at Point Loma, but in June, 1942, removed by Dr. de Purucker to Covina, California. Dur­ing this period stenographic reports of these sessions were pri­vately printed and distributed to the Group, whose membership had extended throughout the United States, Europe and Asia.

Unless specifically stated, as in the case of the few K.T.M.G. meetings held in Europe while G. de P. was on lecture-tours, it is to be understood that the meetings were held at International Headquarters.

The time has come when that which has “been kept secret from the foundation of the world” should be made public. Authorized now to do this, I but fulfill G. de P.’s prophecy when he said:

I can see very clearly that the time will probably come when what we now call esoteric we shall publish broadcast, because the time will have come to do so. But that does not mean, if you please, Companions, that any one of you is entitled to break his oath of secrecy. It is not for me to say when. It is for Those who know more than any one of us here. But I can feel that it is coming.
— Meeting of May 26, 1942, pp. 177-8.

Especial thanks are given to the members of the Committee who have worked daily with me for the past several months. They are Mrs. Mary W. Peyton, Mrs. Martha R. Franklin, Mr. A. Studley Hart, Mrs. Hazel Minot, Miss Grace Frances Knoche, and Mr. James A. Long. Because of their close association at the Headquarters with the K.T.M.G. activities since their in­ception, Mrs. Minot and Miss Knoche contributed valuable aid in the preparation of the manuscript.

The present volume comprises Papers One to Ten, plus addi­tional material given by G. de P. while the Headquarters Group was studying Papers One to Four. These Supplements will be of interest, not only for the richer light thrown on the subjects handled by G. de P. during the early years of his teaching, but also because they have not hitherto been circulated outside the Headquarters Group. Volumes Two and Three, to be printed subsequently, will complete the series of 36 Papers plus Supple­ments, with index in the Third Volume.

This has been a labor of fidelity and love, and it is my belief that the earnest student whose resolve equals his aspiration will find in these Dialogues between Teacher and Pupil that path leading him to the ”Terrace of Enlightenment.”

A. L. Conger.
International Theosophical Headquarters,
Covina, California,
January 15, 1948.

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Purucker, G. de






Theosophical University Press Covina, California


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