Echoes of the Orient Vol. III (Revised Edition)
The Writings of William Quan Judge
He told me he had read of my work among the poor and had gone down there to see it for himself. He had found it, so far, practical and valuable, he said; but also had divined my discontent with it and my hunger for something that would go much deeper, removing the causes of misery and not merely relieving the effect….
Fully and accurately to describe him would be beyond my power, he so stood out above the run of men in deep wisdom and lofty nobility of character. He had made theosophy the living power in his life, and none could be so bitter against him as to exhaust his tolerance or his compassion.
It was he who first gave me glimpses of the power of thought and made me realize what it will do to build or ruin the destiny of a human being. And in doing so, he showed me how to find in theosophy solution of all the problems that had vexed me: how it points the way to the right treatment of the downtrodden and outcast of humanity, and to the real remedies for poverty, vice, and crime. On all these subjects the first word of theosophy is this: he who would enter upon the path that leads to truth must put new interpretations on the failings and mistakes of his fellowmen. He must come to understand the law of eternal justice – karma, that “whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap” – and to know the necessity it implies for an unconquerable compassion.
– Katherine Tingley, My First Meeting
with William Quan Judge
Echoes from the Oriënt
[Practical Theosophy – Comp.] An Epitome of Theosophy. Theosophy as a Guide in Life. The Nessisity for Reincarnation. The Theosophical Society. “The Self is the Friend of Self and also Its Enemy”. Theosophical Study and Work. Talk on Karma. Chairman’s Closing Address. Things Common to Christianity and Theosophy
[W.Q.J. and the Press – Comp.] The Theosophist in Ceylon. Fiery Skies and Ancient Philosophers. Psychometry. Koot Hoomi. The So-Called Exposé of Madame Blavatsky. The Application of Theosophical Theories. Matters Touching Theosophy. Theosophy as a Cult in India. Theosophical Studies. “The Hidden Way” and Theosophists. The Astral Light. Blavatsky Still Lives. The Astral Light. An Added Word. A Review of The Secret Doctrine. “Reply to the Attack on Madame Blavatsky”. “Madame Blavatsky’s Income”. No End and No Beginning. An American Experiment. Religion and Reform From a Theosophical Viewpoint. Tenets of Theosophy. What Theosophy Is. Karma and Ethics. India’s Wonder-Workers. Wisdom of the Gods. Reincarnation. The Inner Constitution of Man. Theosophy and Epidemics. Madame Blavatsky in India. Theosophic Duties. The Esoteric She. Hypnotism and Theosophy. The T.S. and Its Basis. Suicide is Not Death. By Astral Hand. The Dwellers on High Mountains
Theosophy Defined. About The Secret Doctrine. [Book Introduction] On Argument. Karma and Reincarnation. Illusions of Time and Spaces. Esoteric Buddhism. Of Seeing and Not Seeing Spooks. Sayings of Jesus. [On Healing] What is Occultism? Occultism. Hindu Theosophy and Professor Buchanan. Papyrus–The Gem
[Compiler’s Introduction] [On Probation and Pledge Fever] An Important
Cycle–Study of the Instructions–the OM. Examination Paper I. Notice from H.P.B. Correspondence Group Questions & Answers. Remarks on Examination Paper I. Care of Instructions–Including Persons to Join the E.S. Methods of Group Study. As to Marriage. The Antahkarana. The Brain and its Ventricles. The Lower Self. The Pãrãmitas, Practicing Magic. The Mystery of the Moon. Hatha Yoga Practices. Table of Vibrations. The Use of the Word [OM] Conduct of Group Meetings. Law of Correspondences. Sundry Queries. [On Rule about Complaints] Astral Light Earth’s Linga-Sarira. Doctrine of Transmigration. The Two Virgins Dolma. Bases and Aspects–[Auric Envelope] As to Kãma-Rupa. Sundry Queries. Keeping the Rules. The Four Basic Principles & Three Aspects. Yoga Practices. Spiritually and Intellectually Evil. Some Answers about Kãma-Rupa. Group Study. The Seven Worlds. On “Vãch”. [E.S. After H.P.B.]–E.S.–Order. On the Organs. Replies on Kãma-Rupa. The Status of the E.S.T. Padmapãni. Correct Answers to Examination Paper No. 2. [E.S. Office Notices] Duties of Group Presidents & Secretaries. Meditation–The Antahkarana. The School & Correspondence Group. Answers to Correspondence. Group Visits. Answers to Correspondence. [Masters & the Eastern School of Theosophy].A Time for Meditation. Answers to Correspondence. Remarks on Examination Paper No. 3. We Have Not Been Deserted. Words from Masters. Have Patience with the Office. The Double-Page Diagram. [Meeting with a Mahatma]. Relation of E.S.T. to the T.S. Seeking Occult Teachings Elsewhere. Who and What are the Masters? Recall of the Instructions. Something to Study. The School Under Trial. The Greatest Occult Truths. [On E.S.T. Headship]. The “Spiritual Will”. Of Rosicrucian and Other Bodies. Astral Bodies. Nirmãnãkyas. The Best Teacher. Council for Easten Division. Meditation. Beware [of Psychic Practices]. East and West. A Few Words Personal. Intellectual Gymnastics – There is an Age Limit. Alone & Having Nothing – Astral Body & Spleen. Lunar Pitris. Ethics and Occultism
Pagination Key to the 1st Edition
Extra informatie
Gewicht | 970 G |
Afmetingen | 235 × 160 × 37 mm |
Schrijver | Judge, W.Q. |
Uitgave | Hardcover |
Pagina's | 600 |
ISBN | 978-1-55700-197-9 |
Taal | English |
Uitgeverij | Theosophical University Press |