Travail of the Soul, The

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Original edition, 1927


I have issued this book in response to the insistent requests of many of my friends and followers; and the name that I have chosen for it is one that I have had in mind for many years as being a fit and appropriate title for a
printed collection of some of my Theosophical Lectures, delivered at various times and in various places in the United States and Europe.
The Lectures or Addresses that I have chosen out of hundreds, for printing together under the title “The Travail of the Soul,” seemed to me to fall naturally under that name; because they all deal with different phases of human suffering and error, out of which I have endeavored to point a sure Path leading to Light and Peace; and this Path is the eternal Way of the Spiritual Life. There is no other true Path, for it is the Path of Wisdom Unbounded, of the Light of Eternity, and of Ineffable Peace.
The Lectures are printed practically in full and almost verbatim from the stenographic records.

Katherine Tingley
International Theosophical Headquarters, Point Loma, California.
April, 1927.

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Tingley, K.






Woman's International Theosophical League, Point Loma, California


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