Wisdom of the Heart, The
Point Loma Publications, 1978
From compiler’s preface
Katherine Tingley who lived the first fifty years of her life in the last [19th] century was able to understand its problems; and living in the next three decades of the 20th century she was able to do something about those problems, to expose their causes and offer a cure.
What she accomplished, as we look back on those crowded years, amounts to a challenge, an adjuration, a veritable invocation to all that is highest and spiritual in man to so fill his everyday duties that the inner light to which she appealed will shine and illumine his every action.
In Theosophy, she declared, we find the solution of all the problems that vex the sober thinking mind. It points the way to the right treatment of the downtrodden and outcast of humanity, and it offers the real remedies for poverty, vice and crime. It shows the fallacy of war, for which the only cure are regeneration and the application of universal ideals. It declares that unbrotherliness is the insanity of the age; that ethics are rooted in the universe; that we are responsible for all our thoughts and actions and reap only what we sow; that death has a beauty we can learn to understand, and that life after life brings that needed renewal and opportunity for growth which can see the realization of our highest hopes.
Extra informatie
Schrijver | Tingley, K. |
Taal | English |
Uitgave | Ebook |
Uitgeverij | Point Loma Publications California |